Do You Have Enough Time To WFH? How you choose to spend your time reflects what’s truly important to you. Time never stands still and…
Why is Autonomy So Important When You WFH? Autonomy is the capacity of the individual to make independent, un-coerced and rational decisions. To act with…
Are You Able to Focus When You WFH? Success depends on the individual’s adaptive capacity. Change in the virtual world is an everyday occurrence. The…
Can You Respond & Not React In Your Home Office? Technologies have given us the ability to carry out our ideas. We can make our…
Is Working From Home What You Expected? Expediency and expectancy have changed the way we live. Adjusting to change is something we just do. There…
How’s WFH Working Out For You? The buck stops with you. The digital workplace gives you many more options and holds you much more accountable…
Do the Changes You Need to Make to WFH Happen Overnight? There is nothing new about change. As humans, we have been changing forever. It…
Does WFH Make You More Independent? The old paradigm of competition is being replaced by a new one of collaboration. Nothing is off limits or…
How Do You Function Working Virtually? Your connection boundaries were set by who was in the classroom or who was on your team at work….
Do Things Happen in Virtual Workplace That Are Out of Your Control? In the digital workplace you are free to handle things or to not…
Why So Many Excuses With Virtual Work? In the digital world you will most certainly shot yourself in the foot if you close yourself off….
How Does Working From Home (WFH) Influence You? “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our…
Where Does Inspiration Come From in the Virtual Workplace? In the digital world you are alone with who and what you are, more so than…
How Do You Define Success in The Virtual Workplace? Workshifting has redefined our idea of success and what it means to be a productive employee….
How Will the Virtual Workplace Affect Society? Although it is not clear what the workplace of the future will look like, it is safe to…