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#AI@Work: Outsourcing Automation & AI

Manufacturing is another industry that will be totally reformed. Many people believe that robots and AI will replace humans altogether and most jobs will be eliminated. This can be a sensitive subject and one that is intentionally ignored. AI is not going away. AI is evolving and companies that choose to keep up with new and emerging trends will quickly transform with it. AI is taking over routine decision making and speeding up daily operations and processes. AI is transforming the manufacturing ecosystem. It is influencing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), networked supply chains and predictive analytics. It is supplementing decision points, and eliminating routines and administrative tasks. It can manage workflows, create reports, reorder cycles and flag potential hazards. These types of automations can be huge time savers. They improve production and save money. In manufacturing, hands-free personal assistant bots can be very valuable for safety and inquiries.

By using facial recognition, AI can be used for security clearances. Facial recognition can also be used for quality control. The same technology that recognizes faces can determine if a product is in the correct packaging area. It can also investigate differences. It can help to eliminate fraud and flag atypical customer orders. Predictive analytics can be very valuable in supply chain management. AI can predict project demand and supply resources. All of this aids in establishing a component of AI called machine learning. This can streamline complex decision trees. It can assure that companies follow safety rules. AI use can include managing stock supplies and vendor selections.

The number of smart factories is increasing everywhere. Unemployment might be creeping into the unskilled labor force, but highly skilled AI technical workers are more in demand than ever. Another trend is to outsource automation and AI. Third parties are often used that support cloud-based operations. Many manufacturers use cloud-based operations. Often the experts that support the technology become the company’s experts. Working with a third party also ensures current and up to date uses of the technologies. It offloads security and liability issues. It also helps with staying competitive and relevant, and modernizes how decisions are made.

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