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#WFH: Do You Trust Your Intuition?

Intuition and trust are closely related. Both are a way of processing information based on affect and personal standards. Both have a sense of automatic processing that cannot always be understood by rational thought. Knowing yourself and understanding your thought paradigms goes a long way in helping you understand both how you use your intuition and who and what you trust. When you don’t have concrete information that allows you to use reasoning and analytics you are forced to use intuition and trust to make decisions. When intuition operates automatically it is usually through the beliefs and experiences of the individual. It can be biased and have unintended consequences if left unchecked. Intentional intuiting only happens when one engages in self-reflection and acquires a deep level of self-knowledge. Trusting your feelings and affective perspective can be developed through self-examination and practice. Intuition is not a choice and not a conscious process. It happens automatically, and reflection and expertise can increase the reliability of your intuition. Intuitive skills can be developed but it takes intentional practice and focus on your own personal abilities.

The best way to use intuition is to understand the process and use it consciously. Self-knowing and self-esteem are critical elements in intuiting. In-tuition is not wishful thinking, insight or instinct. It can become a successful source of knowledge, guidance, strength and inspiration, and is an important element for leading in the virtual workplace. Re-member that intuition is different in each of us and can be influenced by experiences, context and our own tendencies (Tonetto & Tamminen, 2015).

Let’s Look at a Case Study:

The company you work for, Almere Pharmaceuticals, has decided to expand its training efforts for the sales representatives you have in Brazil. They want these representatives to be more motivated and increase their sales. You know that pride is a motivating factor for these representatives. They are spread out all over the country and most of them are in small towns and rural areas. Pride usually manifests itself in the form of family achievements and material accomplishments. This takes the form of cars and houses and college for the kids. Your little voice is telling you that you should collect testimonials from clients, most of whom are doctors’ offices located in small villages and low income towns. These doctor’s offices deal with people who have very basic survival needs and have many family issues to deal with. Although you know work accomplishments have an important place with the representatives you are not sure how this will play out with the clients. Based on your intuition you decide to go ahead with the initiative. These representatives will receive their end of year bonus in part based on client feedback.

Do you think this initiative will work?

What role do you think work incentives play for the representative? The clients?

Are their incentives the same?

How might you design an initiative that evokes pride in the representatives?

Is the target group similar to the representatives when it comes to work pride? What makes the difference? What are you assuming?

What might trigger emotion in the clients? How does that differ from the sales representatives?

Do you think you might need a different approach in other countries?

#WFH, #RemoteWorkplace, #RemoteWorker, #WorkFromHome, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #ThePajamaEffect, #Touchpoints, #Virtual Workplace, #Virtual Worker, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive