#AI@Work: 24/7? I Want it Now! What is Real? Personalized learning has become more available because of technologies. Until recently, independent learning was not linked…
#AI@Work: HEd & The Economics of Value David Gelernter of Yale University stated in the Wall Street Journal, January 23, 2017, “Over 90% of U.S….
#AI@Work: K-12 is Broken The K-12 education system served the United States well for over two hundred years. Who invented -12 education? Horace Mann is…
#AI@Work: AIED Investigates Learning Our educational system will need to perform at a higher level than in the past. AIEd investigates learning wherever it occurs….
#AI@Work: Learning to Think AIEd brings AI into the learning environment. It uses AI to represent knowledge, reason, explain, plan, for machine learning, and with…
#AI@Work: Not About Check the Box For a long time, workplace learning was about compliance and checking the box. Nearly 85% of corporate training was…
#AI@Work: K-12 Obstacles & A Slippery Slope For over two hundred years, the K-12 system has provided institutions that serve three important purposes. They provide…
#AI@Work: HUGE Impact on Education AI will have enormous impacts on education, learning and talent development. In K-12, Higher Education and workplace learning, AI has…
#AI@Work: Speed Isn’t Everything The idea that quicker is always better isn’t true. Especially when organizations are going into new areas and training on new…
#AI@Work: Is It Time To Rewrite the Rules? AI is about agile intelligence for business solutions. It is challenging. There is a need to understand…
#AI@Work: ROI is Out and Rapid Change is In When implementing any technology, especially AI, be careful with the metrics for measuring success. ROI, the…
#AI@Work: Structures & Outcomes Developing an accurate picture of the current structure will also help in revamping it. How high is it? How deep? Whether…
#AI@Work: AI is About Continuous Improvement Agile organizations aren’t centralized or decentralized. It is about architectures that solve the problems now. These may change in…
#AI@Work: Agile Doesn’t Mean No Planning Agile can be described by a collection of practices. Practices like JIT (Just in Time), TQM (Total Quality Management),…
#AI@Work: Best Fit or Best Tool? Budgeting and performance are areas to consider when organizations are looking at moving to Agile models. Annual reviews are…