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#AI@Work: What If AI Isn’t for Us?

AI has built very large organizations, quickly. The major assets for world changing innovation are ideas and code. The boundaries between human interactions and AI are constantly moving forward. With the pervasiveness of AI everywhere across the globe, you may have no choice but to use AI. It might be a matter of surviving. Organizations will be challenged to change their mindsets, their processes and often their products. Those that can rethink, reengineer and retrain with an interest in humans over profits will have the greatest chance of surviving.

There is no magic pill for changing company culture. It can’t be changed by edit and it usually evolves over time. Some organizations are about control and competence. Others are about collaboration and cultivation. It depends on how they view and value people. Organizations that are collaborative usually provide more feedback and less judgment. There’s a higher degree of trust and less fear of failure. New ideas are welcomed, and failure isn’t fatal. The idea of maximizing value requires an interactive rather than a linear or top-down approach. This is where AI enters the picture. AI is there to provide the data, the analytics and the information quickly as well as improve process flow and production.

AI should be positioned to improve results not to eliminate activities. Results are outcomes. They happen at the end of a series of activities. Outcomes can be subdivided, and then subdivided again and again. Achieving objectives is the sum of many series of activities at many levels. Outcome orientation allows people to act with autonomy. It is a place where people are trusted and can achieve results. This requires bringing down the silos. It requires having conversations. Humans talking and sharing. Agile transformation starts with valuing input from people. Agile gives people a sense of purpose and value. They can see how their efforts contribute to outcomes.

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive