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#AI@Work: ROI is Out and Rapid Change is In

When implementing any technology, especially AI, be careful with the metrics for measuring success. ROI, the popular metric for return on investment, often only tells part of the story. It is often not feasible to use ROI for training and certainly not for implementing rapid change. Peter Drucker’s “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” was a great saying for a very different era. Rapid change with new technologies requires not just measurement but forecasting. Who will be replaced? How will the process change? What training and upskilling are needed? Oftentimes there are many unknowns that are unknown. Rapid change has many unknowns. It is impossible to measure things you don’t know about. What you can do is create an environment that supports the flexibility to adapt. You can change to a new variable once it becomes known instead of staying stuck in patterns that just don’t work now. in an Agile organization, creating metrics that are adaptable to change is more important than predicting the future. The future is subject to change and to measures that are still unknown.

Change requires challenging the normal state of things. What’s normal when things are changing rapidly? Having “AI” perform workplace functions instead of or in conjunction with humans is not normal yet. It’s all new, and it’s all happening quickly. Normal is what culture is all about. “This is how it’s done here” or “This is the way we do it.” Normal is the unstated reality that underlies a collective understanding of the way things are. Norms are culture and they affect workers’ behaviors. Normal is what leads (or doesn’t lead) to results. Cooperation as a norm is more consistent than competition, where there is a winner and a loser. Cooperation is what an organization needs to foster resiliency. This is key to adapting quickly to change. The more flexible and adaptable policies are, the quicker they are able to adapt

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive