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#AI@Work: Rethink, Reengineer & Retrain

Agile needs an organization that is flexible and able to move and change. It needs an organization that puts people first not processes and procedures. And it needs an organization with the vision to see into the future. So does AI. AI will require more than Agile teams; it will require Agile architecture. Most organizational structures, especially larger global organizations, are not responsive by design. They struggle with integrating things that are new. They attempt to improve effectiveness with new buildings, new testing and new people. Change is frustratingly slow. To the people that work in these kinds of organizations, whatever the industry, rapid change seems like a mirage. Successful business objectives mean an annual review with HR that is for the most part meaningless unless it includes a raise.

Agile is key to integrating AI with compassion and empathy. AI represents the blending and blurring of human and technology capabilities. AI will bring tactical and strategic changes to how entire industries operate. Changes like deep learning will cross channels and boundaries. These changes will open up new ways of thinking and operating. The more AI brings into focus the more changes will impact existing processes, procedures, systems, products and people.

AI has built very large organizations, quickly. The major assets for world changing innovation are ideas and code. The boundaries between human interactions and AI are constantly moving forward. With the pervasiveness of AI everywhere across the globe, you may have no choice but to use AI. It might be a matter of surviving. Organizations will be challenged to change their mindsets, their processes and often their products. Those that can rethink, reengineer and retrain with an interest in humans over profits will have the greatest chance of surviving.

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