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#AI@Work: Not About Check the Box

For a long time, workplace learning was about compliance and checking the box. Nearly 85% of corporate training was done in the classroom. It was systems or compliance based. The movement toward PoW (Point of Work) training has accelerated. In 2020, about 60% of workers have a chatbot, vocally activated voice assistant or robot in the workplace. Nearly 47% of customers have some form of AI for customer service. Economics implies that more industries are using some form of AI to automate business processes. Businesses are rushing to use AI for customer service, lead generation, client engagement, messaging communication, human resources, etc. Although the current AI is far from perfect, it will improve over time.

Business need is expanding the use of AI. AI is changing workplace learning. Linked directly to the Internet of Things (IoT), AI is triggered by observations and transactions. Collaborative systems are on the horizon. They are approaching quickly. Workplace economics and technology are converging. This will spark huge changes in the field of learning and development. Research suggests that nearly 45% of the activities performed in the workplace can be automated (Baggio & Omana, 2019).

The expectations of the older and younger generations in the workplace are very different. The older generation is more likely to expect training courses, at a certain time, in a certain place. Younger generations have different attention spans, expect micro videos and JIT (Just in Time) learning. They expect mobile, relevant and on demand experiences. Training in the past was done only as needed. It was scheduled and limited. Workers will demand training when they want it. The concept of learn to work will be transformed into work to learn. Training will not be proprietary.

The movement is away from generalized learning to individual learning. Learning will also be continuous and ongoing. Why? The workplace is changing rapidly. Workers must constantly acquire new skills. Many industries are at risk. Information is everywhere. The ability to apply information to solve business problems and meet objectives is what is needed. Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation will become irrelevant. Everything will start at level 3. Can it be applied? The future of workplace training is with AI. Artificial intelligence will provide data-driven advice based on worker performance and needed skills (Jenkins, 2019).

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive