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#AI@Work: It’s a Global Workplace

AI is having a fundamental impact on the global labor market and will continue to do so for many years. The impact on organizational structures, work time, labor relations and the working environment are emerging. AI is changing the world of work fundamentally. Organizational structures are being shaken at their foundations. The skills needed to succeed in the workplace are changing. Other areas of big change in the workplace brought on by AI are more global and far reaching. The structures and processes of the organization are changing. Everything is changing.
AI is forcing us to look at the global workplace.

Global institutions are moving toward strategic approaches to human resources. AI will have a fundamental impact on workers. Blue collar and white-collar workers will be affected. The more single steps in the working process can be described the sooner employees will be replaced by intelligent algorithms. How this “fourth industrial revolution” will unfold depends on the technology development within each country. It depends on the skills of the young people who will shape the next labor force. Developing countries like India and China lack social security systems and other infrastructure that help people who lose their jobs. In the end, jobs with low or medium requirements will be eliminated. The prediction and percentages vary.

What is important is a high number of low skilled people could be unemployed in countries that are neither rich enough nor well prepared enough to have a safety net in place. Creativity and flexibility will become more important. Education will only be relevant as it relates to the task. For example, much of the work of an accountant can be done by an intelligent algorithm. The expectations for what people do will be much higher. Making the necessary investment now will pay off in the future. Systems will need to be connected. We need to open intelligent communication channels. Employees will have to get used to the new technologies. Retraining will be continuous while the restructuring of the jobs and the workplace unfolds. There will be implications for unions, legislatures and collective bargaining. Anything that affects the position of human beings within the world of work is subject to change.

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive