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#AI@Work: Is It Time To Rewrite the Rules?

AI is about agile intelligence for business solutions. It is challenging. There is a need to understand the business requirements, the format and weakness of data sources and the existing systems. There is a requirement to understand the needs of the people who will use the information. It requires building an analytical data warehouse. Most of the time this warehouse will be fed from a variety of systems. The business will play a role in creating the data. AI requires a service-oriented design for collection and distribution of information. An agile transformation for business intelligence is about small pieces, small teams, small products, and alignment with big picture objectives. Performance metrics come from overall objectives. They align with key processes necessary to achieve those objectives. And they align with the necessary organizational resources. How AI affects business intelligence depends on the service orientation.

Agile transformation is both a short term and a long-term effort. Let’s compare an agile workplace to a sports team. While the game is going on, the team has to sense what is happening, adjust and act appropriately. After the game is over, it might be time to rewrite the rules. Similarly, for an organization to be Agile, it has to continuously rewrite the rules. They need to be flexible enough to allow for reactions in certain situations. Business processes that are fixed are not appropriate for knowledge intensive work, which is what AI is all about. Knowledge intensive services and support are dynamic but are not without problems.

Generally, business processes are anything but flexible. Change is the exception not the rule. When there are unforeseeable issues or high variability they don’t respond well. Change is the exception to fixed business processes.. This is why collaboration is part of an agile transformation. Sharing information about tasks allows the data source to evolve. A “task” is a skill or a particular item that specifies the requirements and objectives of this work. Agile is about flexible adaption in a dynamic work environment. The more unique each task is the more difficult it is to use AI as a solution.

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive