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#AI@Work: HR Bots vs People

Human Resources (HR) has traditionally focused on administrative tasks, not making the organization money. HR is usually considered to be overhead. In many organizations HR has been fighting for a seat at the table for years. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is changing that. RPA is capable of many of the manual tasks and rule-based and repetitive activities under HR. Many HR departments are using chatbots to do what people used to do. Chatbots have invaded the HR space and surveys show that there is a lot more RPA on the way.

There are various levels of sophistication with bots. Simple bots that just answer frequently asked questions have shown some success. They look for keywords and then match and provide “canned” previously determined responses. For example, a worker may ask the bot to describe benefit options for healthcare. The bot will respond with a list based on their job title. Intelligent bots try to respond with more dynamic responses. These are based on natural language matching. The bot may set you up with a benefits representative. This invasion is dynamic and moving into smaller companies and shared spaces quickly. These bots are trained on the company policies and procedures and can help with first-line services. They operate on first call resolution and self-service principles. Often these algorithms are very complex. Usually, they are unknown and secret to the organization. The more advanced the bot the more sophisticated the tasks.

Voice activated technologies like Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa are finding their way into the workplace. Employees expect access to the same technologies at work they have at home. Organizations are interested in automating tasks and cutting costs. The benefits are plenty. They can improve productivity, quickly address issues, collect data, and foster allegiance and satisfaction. They free up HR people who have always had to do this transactional type of work to do other things, often more strategic and creative. It’s not all negative. Chatbots can have a very positive impact on the workplace and the employee experience. They are still only in the stages of early adoption. Of course, there is another, darker side. These bots are listening.

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive