#AI@Work: Blockchain Will Benefit Learners!
The same is true with employment. Employers can see detailed information including degrees and academic records such as courses taken, topics covered and outcomes. This allows an employer to evaluate learning with a more contextual view. Blockchain has many possibilities if people can come together and commit to a shared program and common framework. It creates trust and requires standardization. It can reduce the administrative burden for HR and academic institutions.
It can also help Higher Education in the dissemination and authentication of research and intellectual property. It can provide a platform between institutions, researchers and public and private organizations. This can help with ensuring academic integrity and identifying where ideas really begin.
The biggest benefits for adopting blockchain are for the learners. Learners can have the ability to have learning recognized wherever it occurs… in a classroom, on the job, self-directed or in service to others. Blockchain has the potential to create a unified ecosystem(s), bringing together learning done in one’s free time with more formal learning environments.
One of the big challenges for blockchain finding its way into the world of education is the upfront costs. The cost of Internet access became apparent with the 2019 COVID outbreak. There are large social and economic disparities of access to the Internet.
Blockchain is built on the principles of self-sovereign identity (SSI). It can help learners manage their records by increasing control, access and transparency. Not all SSI systems are blockchain. SSI is a set of principles that support individual control over identifying information including online credentials. A person generally has multiple sets of identifying credentials from a variety of systems and applications they interact with online. How many and how different these identifiers are can be confusing, frustrating and difficult to manage. Instead of a password and a user ID, SSI promotes a digital identity based on principles that create trust and assurance. The ten principles of SSI are an independent existence, user control of identity, access to your own data, systems and algorithms are transparent, identities are persistent and long lived, information and services about identity are transportable, they are as widely used as possible, users give consent for use of their identity, minimize disclosure and user rights are protected.
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