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#AI@Work: Best Fit or Best Tool?

Budgeting and performance are areas to consider when organizations are looking at moving to Agile models. Annual reviews are limited. Monthly or quarterly reviews in both areas are much more beneficial. Updating as the year unfolds works much better than a calendar orientation. This allows for regular updates and better projections, which is needed for fluid and Agile transformations. Planning and feedback need to go hand in hand. There is no sense having monthly or quarterly performance reviews if the workers have not received feedback in that time period. Both feedback cycles and planning cycles have to be short term. Feedback has to be shorter than planning.

To be agile means to talk, discuss and collaborate often. Agile organizations need to focus on the worker and what they need to know next, not where they are now. Words like transparency and open access are important for agility. Traditional organizations share information on a need-to-know basis. This keeps people in the dark. Training is on an as needed basis. Certainly, some organizations will have information that needs to be restricted, and that’s fine. Restrict on an as needed basis but keep the rest of the conversation open. Some industries are more controlled than others. This will have an influence on their ability to be agile. Some will be hit hard by the Agile transformation because of restricted industry controls. Others will find a way to keep under locks what is confidential and still open up to collaboration and sharing. The more information is open, the easier it is to move quickly.

With AI, the best fit is always better than the best tool. Implementation over operational features is critical. Implementation can take repositioning and training. It is not a one-time thing. A representative team of those intricately effected by the new technology needs to evaluate it. The teams determine the results. Then they map that back to the intention and objectives for installing AI in the first place. Does it fit the existing process? Does the business process need some improvement? The simpler and more straightforward the process, the easier it will adapt to and benefit from AI. Business needs to focus their efforts on what is under control. What can be contained in the features of the AI tool? And how does it align to business objectives?

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive