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#AI@Work: AI & Power

AI can make workers better at their jobs. It can make them happier in their positions and more comfortable at home. It can empower people to make better decisions and increase job satisfaction. Both companies and individuals need sound strategies for talent development and continuing education. It’s very important that we start now. The “arms race” for high quality technical talent has only begun. Technical talent is not the only talent that is needed for success. Companies need leadership. They need executives who can speak and understand the technologies. They need workers who understand the limitations and uses of data and analytics.

AI will help with automation and cut costs, but this is not the purpose of cognitive technology. In many situations, AI is simply better and more efficient than humans at performing a job. In these cases, jobs will be replaced. AI will stand alongside people helping to make predictions, offering alternatives and interpreting information. Automation and augmentation will work hand in hand as we move forward to the agile workplace.

There are a few things to remember. The nature of work is changing, and it is changing rapidly. Technological advancements in cognitive technologies, robotics, AI, machine learning and deep learning are with us and will impact all our lives. Our challenge is to embrace the changes and make them work in our favor. There is no going backwards. Technology never goes back. Much of the work that humans do today will be automated in the next decade. Many new jobs will open up and many new roles will need training and education. Get ready to learn and to continue to learn is the message of the future workplace. Machines and humans are already engaged in a collaborative workplace and more so every day. The future is robo-human. The robots are already here. Now is the time to embrace change and figure out how education, governments and companies can prepare humans to be an active and productive part of it. Both technical skills and human skills will be needed in the workplace of the future. It’s all about integration, augmentation and automation working hand in hand to provide humans with a better tomorrow.

Never underestimate the importance of human creativity and mental flexibility. Both will play a significant role in the workplace of tomorrow. We need to start to embrace change and teach these skills in the workplace and in schools. Not just give them lip service, but incorporate affective intelligence, logic, ethics, values and judgment into all curriculums. Most educational institutions and organizations including the governments of the world are not adapting quickly enough to the changes that are being initiated now let alone those that lie ahead.

#AI@Work, #WFH, #Virtual Touchpoints, #ThePajamaEffect, #The Visual Connection, #BobbeGB, #BobbeBaggio, #Touchpoints, #Remote Workplace, #WorkFromHome, #PJEffect, #LinkedInNewsLive