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#AI@Work: RPA & Talent Matching

Change is coming to HR in another way. Traditionally, HR was in charge of the acquisition of talent. It probably still is in some organizations. HR is usually also in charge of learning and development as well as training. All aspects of performance measurement, from onboarding through performance reviews, falls to HR. The AI revolution is driving change in the way all this is done. Candidates are demanding more. Workplaces are requiring higher skills. Traditional education tracks just can’t and don’t keep up. Technologies are allowing learning to become more integrated with work. Learning is becoming more personal, and slowly it is shifting to lifelong learning. Inside expertise and talent mobility will drive more internal responsibility. Organizations can’t expect to outsource and hire enough people with all the skills they need.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is springing up. It’s being used for talent matching. Current employees and job openings are matched, across the enterprise, by skill-based algorithms. Internal mobility will be what makes a company sustainable in the age of AI. It cuts down on training, onboarding and rehiring. The more a company can hold on to and utilize the people who are already familiar with their systems, process and culture, the less time and money will need to be spent on getting productivity up to the expected level. Opportunities and training need to be extended to workers at all levels, not just those at the top.

The “Big Question” is are companies ready for this. It’s a time of change. How we view learning, human experiences in the workplace, leadership, mobility, systems, rewards, teams and just about everything about the workplace is changing (Deloitte, 2019). Companies that can evolve and reinvent themselves will flourish. Others will perish. The future of our workplaces and our workforce will be very different than in the past. Organizations will focus on upgrading technologies and upskilling humans. HR will need to focus on effective learning and talent mobility. The more technology integrates our workplaces, the more focus we need to put on humans.

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